Thursday, June 2, 2011

Israeli Jews and Palestinians Protest East Jerusalem's New Settlement

Last week, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the US Congress, Israeli officials were unveiling a new settlement in Palestinian East Jerusalem—in an area where most of the world had expected eventually to see the capital of a Palestinian state.

What does peace mean to a Prime Minister who SPEAKS peace, but ACTS takeover of Palestinian land? In the same week, on the public stage? Since Israel began its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, they have destroyed more than 18,000 Palestinian homes (Statistic from ICAHD, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions:

Not all Israelis support their Prime Minister’s theft of Palestinian land and they protest every Friday in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jerrah. A year ago this week, I stood with them and clapped (since I don’t know Hebrew, the crowd’s chants were impossible for me!). The demonstrations continue. Watch some video of this week’s demonstration (see picture) and read one demonstrator’s story of what you are seeing:

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