Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lent 4, Ephesians—Living as Children of the Light

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them….for everything that becomes visible is light.

Many of the people I have traveled with to Palestine and Israel look out the windows of the bus, listen to a Palestinian tell their story or walk the streets of Bethlehem and they express their anguish over what they see - "How can this be happening?" "Why isn't someone (the UN maybe) doing something about this injustice?"

These are moments of light—when the injustices being done to Palestinians are exposed in the glaring light of our first-hand witness. When these same injustices are talked about by governments or in the media, they are clothed in benign-sounding language. Justified in the name of security or reported as accidental and rare aberrations in Israel's efforts to protect itself.

Today's meditation shines a light on some recent events in Palestine. I invite you to read one of the stories below and allow yourself to be exposed. The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is one of the beacons exposing Israel's actions. Volunteers for ISM put their own bodies in danger as they stand with the non-violent protesters in villages all over the West Bank and Gaza, bearing witness to Israel's violence. Jo Ann Wacker-Farrand and I were in Bi'lin in November, meeting with the non-violent resisters to the wall surrounding their village.

On the Ground in Occupied Palestine

For over ten years, the International Solidarity Movement has supported grassroots
Palestinian communities engaging in nonviolent resistance to the Israeli Occupation.
Read a story from ISM and then share with a friend. Sign up to receive these weekly updates from ISM.

Gracious God, we thank you for all your servants who put their personal safety at risk to stand against injustice. Embolden us to be bearers of your light, to reveal injustice wherever we are. Amen.

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